A Measure to Prevent Tunnel Vision in police investigations

Tunnel vision in the police investigating team was seen as the main cause of failure of criminal justice. In 2006, in the Netherlands, critical review procedures were introduced in the Dutch police to prevent tunnel vision in criminal investigation. Five years after its introduction, an empirical study has shown that the way the reviews are organized and implemented is extremely variable. The reviewers are faced with the fundamental dilemma of closeness versus distance in their relations with the investigation team. In practice, critical reviewers often concentrate not only on the reduction and prevention of tunnel vision, but also enhancing the quality of the criminal investigation. The critical review concept appears to have had concrete effects on the criminal investigation process. Source: R. Salet, J. Terpstra: Critical Review in Criminal Investigation: Evaluation of a Measure to Prevent Tunnel Vision. In: Policing 8, 1, 2014, p. 43 -50 http://policing.oxfordjournals.org/content/8/1/43.abstract