Archiv für den Monat: September 2015

Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States

Every day, children and adolescents are victims of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Despite the serious and long-term consequences for victims as well as their families, communities, and society, efforts to prevent, identify, and respond to these crimes are largely under supported, inefficient, uncoordinated, and unevaluated. A report offers recommendations concerning strategies for responding to commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors in the United States, new legislative approaches, and a research agenda.

Justice Data Lab (UK)

The Justice Data Lab has been launched as a pilot from April 2013. This service is intended to support organisations in understanding their effectiveness at reducing re-offending. The Justice Data Lab pilot gives organisations working with offenders access to central reoffending data. It also helps develop a collaborative understanding of effective rehabilitation. Source:

Verwendung von „Reizstoffkörpern“ in der deutschen Polizei

Anlässlich der Ereignisse rund um die Eröffnung der EZB in Frankfurt am 18. März 2015 wurde von der Polizei offensichtlich Reizgas eingesetzt (und nicht nur Pfefferspray) und aus Gewehren verschossen (s. dazu das Video unter ) Davon wurden zahlreiche Demonstranten sowie Polizisten getroffen. Allerdings hat die Polizei Hessen keine so genannten Mehrzweckpistolen (MZP) für den „Verschuss“ von Reizstoffkörpern, sondern wohl nur die Bundespolizei und die Landespolizeien in Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen und Thüringen (s. dazu$file/GdP_04_12_s1-8_Sn.pdf?open (S. 4 Landesjournal Sachsen). In einer Thüringer Zeitung, die über die Waffenbestände der Polizei berichtet, ist auch die Rede von 48 Mehrzweckpistolen, die die Thüringer Polizei habe. Die Verwaltungsvorschrift zu § 50 PolGBW erwähnt Reizstoffgewehr und Mehrzweckpistole als Mittel des unmittelbaren Zwanges (s. S. 12 des Gutachtens Unklar bleibt aber, ob im Land Hessen, dessen HSOG solche „Waffen“ nicht vorsieht, entsprechende Einsätze durch Polizeibeamte aus anderen Bundesländern zulässig sind.

Within ‘the Tin Bubble’: the police and ethnic minorities in Sweden

How can discriminatory treatment along perceived ethnic lines become reproduced within a discursive climate that claims to support ethnic diversity and condemn racism? Through an analysis of interviews with 21 current and former employees of the Swedish Police who identified their background as ‘foreign’, this article investigates how certain language use and specific talk can be reproduced in spite of the internal and external criticism directed at them. Six different, institutionally available accounts resorted to by the interviewees to make sense of and legitimise the derogatory language and joking they encountered at work are examined, shedding light on how the use of derogatory language, slurs, and degrading humour about ethnic minorities can remain commonplace within the police force without becoming considered as especially problematic. In addition, the analysis shows that which takes place within the police’s own ‘Tin Bubble’, or in the police car, canteen, and lunchroom, to potentially have a carryover effect from one context to the other, colouring police interactions with the public and adversely affecting the workplace satisfaction of police employees coming from minority backgrounds. Source: Sara Uhnoo, Within ‘the Tin Bubble’: the police and ethnic minorities in Sweden, Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 2015, 25:2, 129-149, DOI:10.1080/10439463.2013.817995

Effectiveness of Mandatory Enrollment in Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)

Such programs play a vital role in reducing and preventing prescription drug abuse and drug overdose. PDMPs collect data from pharmacies on dispensed controlled substance prescriptions and make it available to authorized users. PDMPs are essential prevention tools to reduce the prevalence of drug addiction and its negative consequences. A full copy of the evaluation can be found at